The Rockies have enchanted me. I am spellbound by a landscape that at times is soothing and soft, with incredible presentations of rolling hills and back-lit meadows. I am awed by power of the rivers as they move through the deeply-carved canyons, bathed in the dramatic shine of the half-light afternoon. The juxtaposition of the beauty of snow alongside the bitterness of winter creates in me a melancholy sweetness. The peaks of the grandmother mountains, which stretch above the tree lines in naked, rocky abandonment, stop me in my tracks as they scrape the evening sky, set aflame by the light of the sinking sun. The mountain-desert vistas, with their vast arrays of flora and fauna, are proof that beauty can be created by harsh conditions. These are but a few of my muses found in the area in which I now call home. Coupled with my fondness of the cowboy and rural ways of life, I have been gradually composing the notes of my visual song…